Abundance with DAMIAN!

Our hybrid air-water harvesting and greywater purification device [Dynamic Atmospheric Moisture Interceptor with Advanced Networked-cellulose, DAMIAN] is the lowest energy-per-litre solution the H2O market has ever seen.

of drinking water per day produced by our AWH system

250+ people getting access to daily clean water supply

reduction in waterborne diseases in target communities will occur as a result.

times less energy required to produce 1 liter of water compared to the competition's average.

DAMIAN's Advantages

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water purification capacity for uses other than drinking.

How does DAMIAN work?

The AWH System

DAMIAN utilizes sorption-based air-water harvesting to trap water from the air utilizing a combination of CaCl2 and cellulose sponges desiccant to achieve water absorption capacity of 305% of its own weight.

Grey Water Purification

Air enters through the air inlets and get in contact with the desiccant which absorbs the moisture from the air due to its high water affinity. After some time, it reaches its absorption capacity, and the regeneration process starts heating the desiccant up to 100 degrees Celsius evaporating the absorbed water leading it to the condensation chamber.

In the condensation chamber, the water vapor is turned into liquid water and undergoes 4 purification and mineralization stages to change from distilled water to beneficial, drinkable water.

The second part of our hybrid device utilizes simple grey water purification techniques to fulfill the other water needs for water scarce community by turning their dirty water to a reusable water in a 5 step process.

Grey water is widely abundant in the low income areas we are targeting. Thus, we are utilizing a low cost, energy efficient process to turn that abundance into clean water abundance.



"You've hit the nail on the head, the reason why this [AWG] technology hasn't taken off is it is just too expensive."

- Shannon Lemanski, founder of Aqua Ubique, Air Water Generation in Australia, when asked about the advantages of our device.

“The use of CaCl2 as an AWH absorbent would definitely work in theory. It is a really interesting project.”

- Joakim Carlson, AbsorbTech, when asked about our idea concept.

"We think the choice of honeycomb structure is clever as well as the inclusion of the water filtration system is wise. Although it may take a few iterations to get reasonable water generation output, we believe the current design has the potential to be successful in it purpose.”

- Eden Steven and Timothy Bastiaan, Emmerich Research Center,
when asked about DAMIAN's design.

"I think the idea of adding greywater purification is great, especially for the area you are targeting [Guinea Region]. It could work very effectively and optimise that cost per liter."

- Hossein Atoufi, PhD in water treatment, technical lead for XPrize Water Scarcity, when asked about our great water purification system.

"A low-cost desiccant like calcium chloride is especially a great solution for communities that need a centralized solution... The grey water is great opportunity as there is so much of it... This device could even be scalable to South Asia and Latin America."

- Jackson Lord, previous program manager at X, the Moonshot Factory, when asked about Abundance.

"I think the proposed solution represents a significant improvement over existing commercially available air to water technologies. Smaller, lighter solutions enable a much wider adoption in harder to reach locations and provide life giving water to communities without access to clean water"

- Bill Meeker, Board Member at El Hogar Projects, when asked about Abundance.

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